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The New OP Rules

Started by Majestic, August 01, 2022, 03:55:34 PM

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Has anybody else tried out the new OP rules?  We played one game with them, and it was cool to see Universe cards working far better than they ever did before.


where may one find these "new OP rules"?


There's been a few new rules sets floated by different people and groups. Which ones are you using?


If you go to:

You'll see a link that says "Official Rules Updated for 2021" over on the right.

In the links in the upper left, you'll see that it links here for 'Community', too.


that's the Toronto group's rules.  North American OverPower Alliance does not use those, nor do other groups I'm aware of.  Whatever floats your boat.


Ah, gotcha.  I knew it was the "Canadian Overpower", but thought they were official all over.

It's too bad we have these different factions, and not a unified Overpower community.


Checking in to this thread

If you're interested, a lot of good things are happening, OverPower wise, at


The tournament organizers of the 5 major tournaments left - Peacebridge, this year in Niagara Falls, Canada on June 16th, 2023; Oklahoma (Already completed April 2023), Columbus, OH (this year August 26th, 2023); Vanhalla in Pennsylvania (date TBD), and the Boston Massacre (date TBD) are busy documenting the existing rules for the legacy environment within the North American OverPower League (NAOL), organizing tournaments and rankings on Chalonge (check out ), and running fantastic events (we had 22 players at the OKC Shootout)

If you have rules questions, ask them here, or in the facebook groups above.

We would love to see some of y'all out at a tournament near you!