OE and OC and the like

Started by AO user, February 28, 2014, 09:02:24 AM

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AO user

Hi folks. I'm trying to build a deck around JA and HQ cards and I'm considering fitting storm or colossus OE and/or OC somewhere.  Are their other cards that draw 3 or discard 3 attacks I'm leaving out?  This might be my first venture 7 deck with fatal attaraction best laid plans ....


BYs are also another option since they make your opponent discard

AO user

wow! thanks chuu! including activators these could purge more than 3 or 4 cards!  nice


Hot Rod from the forum made a really good HQ deck that is really powerful.

Star Jammers, Ghost Rider, The Ray and Doctor Strange in Reserve.

The Star Jammers have alot of good cards, the Draw 3, Any power 11, any power 8 and Raza which is really good at flushing out Negates so they can't use them on your Draw 3s.

Ghost Rider is basically Star Jammers again in terms of good cards, Draw 3, Multi power 8, bat out of hell, and Penance Stare which also flushes out negates.

The ray is basically only there for his 8 energy stat, Draw 3 and his multip 9 OPD.

Strange is in reserve for his 8 energy stat and his team mate 6 or less avoids.

Hot Rod also made the deck really lean to minimize drawing dupes and getting to the Draw 3s faster.  The deck was also any heroes so he could use Web Headed wizard to reuse a draw 3.  This lost me the tournament, I thought I had him locked down and then he was able to draw more and I had to concede.


Mega Draw is probably the most powerful archetype in "modern" Overpower since it punishes the more passive Spawn/X-Man Any Hero decks. As long as you have some way of neutralizing negates (GA, critical mass of draw effects, JW to KO negate chars, etc), you should be able to consistently venture big before you get drawn into a longer game and faded out by DoW, a power pack oriented lineup, etc.

The biggest problem for Mega Draw is usually Beyonder. It doesn't take long to get your good hand and bet big when you have 3-4 venture winning OPDs that are immune to avoids, but Beyonder can KO a character before you even get a chance to think (whether it be the KO event or a mediocre attack chain before you can stabilize your defenses). Due to this, I think it's worth watering down your speed for an added bit of resiliency. Rather than run something that goes all in (such as the aforementioned Ray/Jammers lineup), I'd suggest something like this:

Mr. Fantastic, Donald Pierce, Hellfire Club, Black King, Morlock Tunnels

This deck has a lot of things going for it, and it is probably what I would use if I was attending the K2 tournament this month. It meets the usual requirements of an 8 stat and a negate, with the added bonus of being intellect based to dodge common hate cards (Shockwave, Silver Tongued Devil, etc) and score easier spectrum KOs. You still have the Mega Draw component with Tessa, Inventive Genius, and Malice, as well as the supplementary Vertigo as another special that wins venture if it isn't negated. On top of all this, you are immune to the KO event (you can even run it yourself), giving you more juice vs Beyonder and more turns to set up your combos. Having a DS from the battlesite (to find Deathstrike) or a KL in the lineup is pretty much the only thing this deck is lacking, but no deck is perfect.