Teamwork heavy deck

Started by Day Tripper, May 04, 2011, 01:57:18 AM

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Day Tripper

I'm trying my hand at a landau, luckman and lake deck, and I'm thinking the best approach would be to make it teamwork heavy. I'm not too good at building decks though, so I was looking for some advice. I was thinking the front line would be Venom 3 stat, Wolverine: AoA, and Captain America with Psylocke in reserve. I figure this allows me to run a 7 and 6 E teamworks, 6 and 7 S teamworks, a 6I and then the 6-8 F teamworks, so right off that bat that gives me 8 teamworks without dups. I'm not sure what a reasonable amount of power cards would be for this though. Right now I'm looking at 18. Also, I'm planning on running the l,l & l aspect, would it be a good idea to run a couple more psylocke specials? or just use the 7E OPD and the character cant attack OPD? Any input here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


While I haven't done so myself, I believe building a deck w/ Department H may be more appropriate, if you are looking to specifically use teamwork cards. The inherent is obviously a big factor. But I've never played the deck myself, so take into consideration.


I use 3-stat Venom in my LL&L as well, and it's great fun. The problem with the deck (as you noted) is that Psylocke and Venom have so few usable specials, so it can be a bit difficult to get to the deck size minimum. Luckily, running a teamwork heavy deck lets you justify running a few extra powercards. I would consider going as high as 21 power cards, mainly because running three level 4 multipower cards can be acceptable with the homebase inherent. If you were using a version with Deadpool, you aren't scrambling to fill up slots as much and a more normal power card count would be possible.

If you configure your lineup as Captain America, Psylocke, 3-stat Venom, Wolverine (reserve) your frontline has eight different teamworks (four of which are backed up), so you could run around 10 teamworks if you doubled up on 7e and 7s. I usually hate running duplicates of teamworks, but in this lineup it is warranted.

Even with Warp Chamber you really only want one special card for your reserve. If you stick with Psylocke in the back, I'd keep her Target Hero OPD over the 7E.

Anyway, good luck with this deck. Warp Chamber is probably the most powerful card in the game, so any lineup you end up fielding will turn out to be semi-competitive.

Day Tripper

Hmm, I didn't think of putting her in front, thats an interesting idea. Theres not much difference in her specials from wolvies aside from tracking sense and the standoff one. I think I might give that a try actually. I don't think I'll go over 8 teamworks, maybe one dup depending on how many power cards I use, but I guess I'll see once I test it out. To Kyle, I'm not looking to make a teamwork deck specifically, I just thought that with LL&L my best bet would be to make it more teamwork oriented.


If I were going to run a duplicate Teamwork, I'd make sure it can be placed to my Reserve, so that if I do draw both, I don't lose one forever (which means another 8F).

Also, depending on which Event set you go with, running a second Special for your reserve may not be a bad idea. In fact, I've had Psylocke in Reserve on quite a few decks with both her AV and 7E. If you go with Wolverine, you have the options his 8F or Standoff (if you use the Marvels). If you asked me to choose, I'd go with Standoff. Particularly, because he's going to be coming into the game a little later, possibly with an 8F placed to him, and hopefully, you can find a weakened character to target and get an easy hand-winning match-up.

I like the potential this deck brings, though. I haven't really heard L,L,&L mentioned among popular Home Bases. I don't use it myself, since I only use X-men (and good guys, at that  ;)), but I do like some of the things it offers.
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


I love LL&L myself, it's got what is probably among the best aspects that were created.

I usually go with either Venom or Psylocke, not both. Psylocke being the preferred choice mainly for her ability to run an Image inducer (Though I guess 3 stat venom can do that too.)

Image inducer with Warp Chamber is almost a sure battle (if not game) winner. It's a killer strategy that cannot be negated. Even without duping, you still get 5 unique teamworks (6 if you run an AP teamwork).

3 stat Venom would really work for this scenario if you also wanted to max your your TWs. That makes Venom responsible for 3 of your 6 teamworks, though, as well as the inducer. Having both Psylocke and Venom does back up the use for the inducer, but probably means you're losing Deadpool and you're essentially running 2 max 6 characters. Any Power 7 will help offset that, but it still leaves you vulnerable. (Odds are you'll want to run both Cap and Wolverine regardless of your build.)

Lots of ways to build this one, for sure.



Quote from: Day Tripper on May 04, 2011, 02:32:36 AM
Hmm, I didn't think of putting her in front, thats an interesting idea. Theres not much difference in her specials from wolvies aside from tracking sense and the standoff one. I think I might give that a try actually. I don't think I'll go over 8 teamworks, maybe one dup depending on how many power cards I use, but I guess I'll see once I test it out. To Kyle, I'm not looking to make a teamwork deck specifically, I just thought that with LL&L my best bet would be to make it more teamwork oriented.

I play an LL&L deck w/ Deadpool, Cap, Psylocke, and Wolverine (r). It doesn't play that many teamworks, so I'm interested in what you discover with your build. Keep us posted.

Day Tripper

The deck hasn't been working well, I either draw a whole bunch of power cards and no teamworks or vice-versa. I took out psylock for deadpool, took out a couple teamworks and now I just need to test it. I'm focusing more on the use of the aspect for a big sweep in one turn, then an easy win the next.

The Dude

LL&L is a homebase I play fairly often if for no other reason than Cap, Venom and Psylocke are 3 of my 4 favorite characters from the comics who are in Overpower (Black Cat would be the other). If I am playing LLL it it's usally more for fun than hardcore competativeness so I use those 3 up front and Deadpool in Reserve with his 10. I do find a Warp Chamber to be a real nice in this form since you can bring Pool up late in a battle to toss said 10 and completely turn the tide of a game sometimes.


Quote from: Kyle on May 04, 2011, 02:12:05 AM
While I haven't done so myself, I believe building a deck w/ Department H may be more appropriate, if you are looking to specifically use teamwork cards. The inherent is obviously a big factor. But I've never played the deck myself, so take into consideration.

This. I plan to try a Dept. H deck myself with a lineup of Omega Red/Sabretooth/Alpha Flight/Wolverine (R). The frontline gives you every Fighting teamwork plus a 6 in each other stat. It's fairly robust despite being light on specials (Omega Red's and Sabretooth's 7s's, Alpha Flight's teammate avoids, a couple of OPDs, and that's about it).

Day Tripper

The dude I completely see where your coming from, I love venom psylocke and wolvie (sorry cap no love) which is part of the reason I wanted to try to make a competitive LL&L deck. The teamwork part was just some experimentation that I thought might work with this grouping of characters. I find it too unreliable though, It's too common to find yourself with either a teamwork heavy or power card heavy hand, and then your either giving up venture or hoping you don't suffer heavy casualties. I think it is a very viable homebase though. I guess I'll see with more play. OP online anyone? ;)