Original Overpower art

Started by JohnL, April 05, 2011, 01:40:35 AM

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Not the original art, but I obtained a Wizard #1 with a poster:

It's now a 1.7GB file on my computer..


i wish COLOSSUS and wolverine woud've had a doubleshot card
pretty good  iron curtain art too


Agreed Jack. Saw the bunch he posted and that's the one I'm most interested in. A little too rich for me, but still tempting.

I'm hoping he'll have some more. I'd love to get a piece or two if the right ones popped up.


I thought I'd dig out this image. It's the only piece of painted Overpower art I ever came across. It was auctioned on e-bay back in 1999 or so. I think Drew bought it. I assume it was probably a mistake by the artist (or lack of communication by Marvel) rather than any decision to actually commission painted art. Anyone know of any more?



Also ROM : A Multipower 3 card available in the Monumental OverPower expansion. Art by Dave Meikis.


Is there a list of the artist for each OverPower card?  I was surprised that Dave Johnson did that Phoenix card...
"wow...never notice how JACKED pym is in that pic before!" -breadmaster


I'm posting the original artwork I won at the K2 Tournament 2015, which I am proudly hanging on my wall.
DC3 unreleased Tactics art. Also posting the stamp behind the artwork.

Original link http://i.imgur.com/nVMCiJc.jpg

Original link http://i.imgur.com/VTh6tH6.jpg


I'm jealous since I collect original art myself :)



There 's a couple of Joker ones on ebay right now by Graham Nolan

----Update: sold

Joker - High Voltage Joy Buzzer - Graham Nolan

sold for 271.50

Joker - Acid Spray Flower - Graham Nolan

sold for 380.00


These are pretty neat thank you for posting them.