Energy Icon Attacks

Started by Tussin, September 23, 2014, 12:06:34 AM

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* SHOCKWAVE ROCKS THE WORLD! No cards with an Energy icon may be used to attack this battle.

i understand that cards like this stop you from using a multipower or energy card, does this stop universe cards as well? does it stop just Energy icon universe cards? or can it stop an Intellect teamwork card that has a Energy icon bonus on it?

i'm curious so i can maximize my deck options :)


If it has the icon anywhere on the card, then you can't use it to attack. That includes Battlesite specials even if they don't have the icon on the card (because the activator possesses the icon), universe cards (even if the energy icon is part of the follow up, not original attack).

It can be a devastating lockdown effect against energy decks.


ok good to know. i will get my teamwork cards to use as little energy power card bonus boosts as possible to mitigate the negative effect of this card against myself :) ty