How to use OPonline

Started by BasiliskFang, December 11, 2012, 03:00:56 PM

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@Demascus - Someone can edit the original programmers code via Visual Basic 6. I took a good look around their program and even got permission to edit it. It's very hard to follow in my opinion, but I am just a student programmer. Because I couldn't figure out what to edit (I really just wanted to make the program and cards resizeable), I've been working on an all new version for about 6 months or so, during school breaks or when I catch some extra free time. I started from complete scratch and the game has been tested online. It just needs some bug fixes, a programmed installation package, and for me to conceptualize and program the deck building software. I'm also thinking of a better way to connect people so they dont have to learn how to open ports manually and other hinderances to using OPO. If you know someone who is a good coder, and that wants to take a stab at modifying the old code or building an all new version, I say go for it. I'm aiming to get back at it after this semester ends in May. If I dont take any classes during the summer, my version should be done by the end of summer. Best case, end of June. Just really a time issue for me.


Maybe I should get you in touch with him...  I know nothing about programming, but I sent him the link to where he can download the OPO.  He said that (and there is a VERY good chance that I'm misquoting here)  the security within the program was not where it should be.  He's working on another project atm, but he's also looking into redesigning the OPO program, or writing a new one.  You two might be able to assist each other if you are in contact directly.  I aslo brought up the idea of designing an iPhone or Droid deckbuilder app.  I know one of my friends has designed apps for iPhone, so he might be able to do something in that arena.


That is a really cool idea.. the smartphone deckbuilder. If he was interested in helping in the near future, I would probably just have him build the deck building software. Its pretty much a separate entity from the game itself and I havent even started on it. Probably wouldnt be a whole lot of work either. I use Visual Studio 2012, but it wouldnt matter what he coded with as long as his output was a text file that could be read by my program. Once that is done and I fix the connecting issues, the game can pretty much be released in beta. If he wants to know more or is interested in trying to make the deck building software, have him contact me. My email is


I will be in touch with him and let you know.


perhaps the deck builder app (android & iOS) can just have the card text and not the card pictures, so it would not be distributing copyrighted cards or such without the consent of disney, marvel, WB etc.


I dont think any of that is a problem. The card images can be found on jacks website, in the current card game, and all over the place. The images are owned, yes, but as long as we are not selling them, things should be a-okay. Even if it weren't, the distribution would be so small that a large company would be spending more money on bringing a suit than they would be getting. I mean, how many people would seriously use the potential deck building smart phone app? maybe 10? 15?


If not for copy right, think about the size the app would need to be to hold the data for over 2600 pictures.


yea, you're right, it woulld be kind of big.... not huge, but big. the alternative is make it pull images from a website, but that would make the app require a web connection. Anywho, I'm not too concerned with a smartphone app at the moment. an interesting idea for sure though.


So I'm trying to get OPOnline to run on my laptop, but it doesn't seem to want to.  I'm trying to run the Deckbuilder program in compatibility XP(service pack 2) but it will get to the Overpower Online Deck Editor screen, with Mr. Fantastic and "Loading...Please Wait..." at the bottom, but does nothing more then that.  Suggestions?

EDIT:  Nevermind...  I got it.


This is still not really working out for me if someone could maybe set up a match and have me join or vice versa to figure out the problem that would be awesome



sorry not sure what os means  :D



oh, hehe I'm using Windows 7 ultimate why?