Overpower Online- buy it on iTunes!?!?

Started by CoS, May 08, 2011, 01:34:52 AM

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I like ccgs. I've purchased and played well over a dezen since I was introduced to the concept back in the mid 90's. So I was quite impressed when iTunes App Store released a very well presented CCG called Shadow Era for "free". Well obviously a free CCG can't be true to buy packs and starters you make micro transactions in game. I'm not plugging the game, I really not that fond of this gents since I quit Vs System in 2004. However, I am very impressed with the in game play mechanics, different views allowed of the board at any time, online PvP, and rating system etc.

It plays VERY well on my iPhone.

Without a divine epiphany marvel won't let this happen for profit on iTunes ... But I was VERY impressed with the presentation and would love to see something similar happen in the future of this community.

(PS $20 got me a playset of the Shadow Era game)


My plan for the OPO project is to make it accessible via web technologies that will work with any device, be it a computer, tablet, television, phone, etc.

Making any money will probably send lawyers to my house so I dare not do it. I'm sure everything we're doing now is likely falling under fair use.

I'll likely optimize the experience for smaller screen devices but that's something that's probably done after the initial release on web browsers.


What were your thoughts on the "game presentation". I like the fact that if you don't respond in a certain amount of time a countdown to concession begins ;)


It will closely resemble what OPO is right now, I haven't mapped out anything. It will be a challenge to put everything onto an iPod's screen if I'm not making a native application for it. I might restrict the game play to iPads and only allow iPhones to create decks.

Another idea I'm floating around would be to allow 2 devices to be used at once, one for your hand (iPhone) and one for the table (iPad). That's just brainstorming for now.

For the countdown, I plan to have the game save its state after every turn (to make replays and live viewing possible) so the if a person were to disconnect, you can rejoin the game and resume play.

Nate Grey

Would be great if people with Apple products could get to use OP Online. My friends using Macs are bummed out they can't use OPO.  :(


I've played around with Shadow Era a little myself.  The iPhone app is too buggy for me though, it keeps crashing and it's just awkward on the small screen.  I'm sure it's better on the iPad and it works just fine on the computer of course.  I don't think there is enough depth to it right now to keep me playing often or for long.  I know, it's still new and there are not a lot of people working on it, so it can't compare to my memories of OP.  Naturally, after playing it for a little bit I felt a tingle of "What if OverPower could be redone in this format..."  But, even if, it's just not the same as sitting down with someone face to face.


Nick- Shadow era reminds me of playing a NewBrotherhood Vs Deck with x4 Savage beatdowns, x4 Genosha etc.  I am currently using a plague priest control deck. Regardless of the buginess, the format presentation lends itself to my IPhone. Agree that nothing compares to sitting across from your opponent and venturing a few missions.


Would you be able to make it work via the Android market as well as iPhone?  I was actually just discussing the possiblity of building an OP app for the droid/iPhone with some friends, but I wasn't sure about the licencing and stuff. 


It would be much easier to make a web app than to make a device specific app across phones/tablets. I'm sure that we won't run into problems using "OverPower", but the trademarks of all the characters would still legally be owned by Marvel/DC/Image/etc., so there will probably be some issues with that.