OPonline & OPdeckbuilder

Started by CoS, March 31, 2010, 12:42:34 AM

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So i am brand new to this forum, but not to Overpower.  I saw a link on one of the threads to a program that would allow deck-building and online play via a client called OPonline that came bundled with a program that allowed you to manage the cards and build decks.  Unfortunately, when I attempt to fire up the deck-builder it shows a photo of IQ Hero- Mr. Fantastic and stalls in the "loading... please wait" for hours.  I assume that this is error. Is there a quick fix for the deck-builder so that I can begin to play online?

Looking forward to this!



Make sure to run the "System32 Package.exe" to install necessary system libraries.

If you're using Windows Vista/7 and it still doesn't work, try to run OPDeck in compatibility mode for Windows XP.


ok! i am into the program. i will work on deck-building (realize that I quit playing soon after battle sites were released) so I will try to make a few decks and give it a go.  my MSN e-mail is championofsolaris@ hotmail.com (with no space)



So does anyone want to play online with OPonline? I have 2-3 decks (tournament legal) that are ready to play! Send me an IM or on AOL message at LAwDGGstf


where's a link to the program?


so i downloaded the program, but it said some files were corrupted

also, where do i find this 'System32 Package.exe'

sorry for the noobish questions, not a technophile


The file shouldn't be corrupt, check that it's roughly 62.9MB. Install the application and the System32 Package.exe should be there.


hmmm, still got nothing

here's what it said

Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3
Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\Decks
Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\energy.gif
Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\fighting.gif
Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\intellect.gif
Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\ips.txt
Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\MDAC_TYP.EXE
Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\NotFound.jpg
Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\OpDeck.exe
Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\OpOnline.cnt
Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\OpOnline.exe
Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\OpOnline.GID
Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\OPONLINE.HLP
Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\OverPower rules.htm
Extracting OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\Overpower.mdb
CRC failed in OverPowerOnline_v2.5.3\Overpower.mdb
Unexpected end of archive

any ideas?


I've downloaded the file twice and extracted with no problems. Are you sure it's 62.9MB? Here's a zipped version for you to try, in case you have it cached. The file size is roughly the same as the RARchive is already super compressed and it really can't be lowered further because the card database is huge.
