OPO Cup 4: the quest for peace

Started by breadmaster, November 03, 2011, 03:12:03 PM

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since the last one was an utter failure, i was thinking of switching up the format a bit

would you guys be interested in a random character tournament?

i was thinking, characters could be traded before the tournament begins.  one detail we'd need to hammer out, is whether you have to trade to get under sum deck, since random characters ignore the rule


Not sure I follow what "random character tournament" means, but if you spell out the particulars more clearly, I might be.


random character is a feature in opo.

i would choose the teams for the players, and let you know what characters you have.  then you could trade them, or keep em if you like what you got


Sounds like fun to me. I'm nuts like that.


that could be some fun, but I honestly don't know about my own availability  :-\
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


i chatted with bios, and he's in if this happens

i loaded a couple random teams.  things could get interesting

test 1: mandarin (3stat), hellfire club, captain marvell, dark beast.

that one's a 4 stat teamwork backed up, AD monster

test 2: jean grey (stat) doc ock (3stat) rhino, booster gold

no intellect cards for booster's inherent, this one would take some crafty deck building or trading


lol  Trade Booster for Beyonder...  Solid.  lol

When are we looking to get this one underway.  Sorry I missed the last 1-2, I was in the process of moving, and though I had my computer back up and running pretty shortly after the move, there was always something else to be doing, fixing, building, trimming, ect, ect...  It's not that the house we moved into was vacant, but it is in a slight state of disrepair, so I've been trying to bang it back into shape.  I pretty much only post on the forums when I find time at work.


well, if it happens, i'm thinking about 2 weeks before any games get played

1 week to guage interest with this topic

assign teams, then 1 week to finalize trading (could be less)

~1 week to play the games (again, based on interest)


Hey it's been a while but I'm back in the fold and would be totally up for this if you get it going Bread!
I'm rubber and you're glue...


that's excellent news!

the bad news is, this topic has been around for a week, and the interest has been...minimal

4 people interested :(.  if you guys want, we can go ahead and do it



ok, we're going with a lean and mean 4 man tournament (5 if steve wants in...no promise of no negates...people can build their teams any way they want)