DS Specials

Started by rucker73, April 03, 2011, 08:51:29 AM

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Can you play a DS special (Luck O'The Irish, Gift from the Gods) from under your battlesite, to fish for a special from your front line? 
"Wade! into action!"



Another question about those specials. If the special played references the character itself when talking about the effects, does the character that fished for and played it get the effects or still the original? For instance, if you fished for Goblin Queen's "resurrection" (Pheonix Life-force I think it's called) special, would it still only refer to Goblin Queen, or do all references change to the character now playing it?


you can only play specials from you deck that belong to the characters on your team.  So if I was using a team of Mr.Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch and the Thing, and I played a DS special from my battlesite, through Mr.Fantastic, then you would only be able to pull a Mr.Fantastic special from your deck, not a special for the character the DS belongs to.
"Wade! into action!"


Whoops, actually I was thinking of BQ specials when I asked that question

"...exchange this card for any 1 card in Dead Pile and play it immediately"

So the question goes for when pulling another character's special. There's also specials that let you play any special placed to another front line character I believe, so this goes for those as well. Didn't mean to hi-jack, but might as well ask now :p


I believe that with the BQ you must take a card from the dead pile that is playable by the character who played the BQ, unless the card states otherwise.
"Wade! into action!"


Quote from: rucker73 on April 03, 2011, 01:50:28 PM
I believe that with the BQ you must take a card from the dead pile that is playable by the character who played the BQ, unless the card states otherwise.

This is true as some BQ specials say it must be a card not usable by the character playing the card.  Additionally, you can't exchange for an Any-hero special, or duplicate to a card currently placed or in your hand.
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