New Marvel RPG

Started by mattkoz, February 27, 2012, 01:35:42 PM

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I don't really understand this as I've never played D&D or anything similar other than OP, but seems noteworthy to post here.


I've never played D&D or any of those type of games either (short attention span I guess  ;D) but it almost seems "uneventful." From everything I know about my friends that do play these type of games, you get to basically creat your entire world, and it almost seems like the marvel game wants you to rehash big events that have already happened.......bad marketing in my opinion.......
Beta Ray Bill makes a WHOLE lot more sense at Avengers Mansion than Beyonder showing up and helping out during a fight. - breadmaster


I picked up the new Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Game.  Has anyone else?  I've been reading and re-reading the first chapter for a couple of days now.  Tomorrow I'm not working and the wife is out running errands all day, so hopefully I'll be able to really sit down and study it, but so far it's confused the heck out of me.