OverPower Championships 2015 (October 9/10)

Started by Jack, September 14, 2015, 10:48:40 PM

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sounds good chuu.  i'll contact you later to iron out the details


Here are all the Event cards for our 20 Years of OverPower Mission!

We came up with the events after deciding to re-release the Shattered Image mission and found actual events in the OverPower timeline to match most of the effects of the cards.

The last preview will come up on Saturday with the remainder of the Missions and reservations will begin on Monday October 5.

The prices will be $15 for the complete set, with $1 shipping to Canada, $2 shipping to USA, and $4 shipping to the rest of the world. You can order up to 5 sets and combine shipping -- at which point I will have to figure out how much it'll cost you. All prices Canadian$.


Awesome! As they are re-releases of existing cards, will they be tournament legal (at least in TO?)


100% legal the moment you pay your entry fee :)


cool cards, Jack!  looks like a Mission worth playing!




I should have a website to reserve sets starting Oct 5 at which point you can reserve up to 5.

Payments will be taken starting the week after the tournament to see how many I can fulfill.



Saturday's entry fee will be $25 USD or $30 CAD now.

Friday's event is a Beyonder tournament with 59/63/67/73/77 as the stat totals (+1 from their usual limits). We will be testing our the Activator placed on Team OverPower rule for Friday only. Entry fee for the tournament will be confirmed shortly.



I had that preview up on Facebook before but forgot to show it here.


thanks MUCH, Jack!  call me an old fogey or whatever, but i'm not on Facebook, so i didn't catch it.


I blame me, I wanted to make announcements on both sites at the same time. The pre-order stuff will be out on the forums a bit earlier than Facebook ;)