OP Tournament in New England Results

Started by Ravencroft, June 03, 2011, 04:55:52 PM

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I won!
With the theme of "Charlie's Angels" aka "Pimp and his Hos". I dominated wit the team of Dazzler, Reyes, Jean Grey:DF, and Onslaught in reserve. I went undefeated and actually dominated, which was nice.
Also with the privilege of winning comes the right to design the next tournament.

We saw alot of Shadowcat and Pheonix even made an appearance. 


Why Dazzler over sone of the other energy defense female options?

Karmanal of Zert


You guys need to get in touch with me to post this on our meetups blog.


Lowell/Dracut line in Mass, its closest to NH. We have a group of 7-8 dedicated players and a new huge space opening up for us at a new store. Jack if you have my email, talk to me.

Dazzler for the 8 in def from Onslaught, her 2 OPDs, and she was cheap. All good things.



Jack, Off-Topic for this Thread, but did you get the thing i tried to put on your website? I submitted a new event for approval?


Just saw it now, it doesn't notify me when Contributors post.. I'll think about making it automatic.

EDIT: I made you guys Authors instead of Contributors, you can now publish future posts. Though, this system will be phased out once I implement my own meetups section of the site (and skip the whole Wordpress thingy).


Quote from: Ravencroft on June 05, 2011, 12:39:06 AM
Dazzler for the 8 in def from Onslaught, her 2 OPDs, and she was cheap. All good things.

Yea, I understand. I was thinking Jubalee front line or Velocity w/ 3 speedthroughs in reserve (allowing more Onslaught specials and cannon fodder on Jub's)but I understand your reasoning with Dazzler.


I don't think velocity can be used in reserve in the "Pimps N' Hoez" format of this tournament. Can uh... she?


The man had to stay in the back, i would have used Jubilee if i wanted a beyonder deck. I would have dropped Jean Grey. Onslaught played his role if i lost a guy, he would come up with a 7 int tw, and his 7 in special.