JUNE 30th Tournament in Toronto

Started by BigBadHarve, May 08, 2012, 02:20:12 PM

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It's looks like Saturday, June 30th is our next tournament day.

Duelling Grounds in Toronto, On.  1193 Bloor St. W. - Rear, Toronto, ON M6H 1N4
(416) 534-3835

Prizing TBD but it will be based on Numbers. Jack has a Batman: Avenger Holo hero, a set of Assault on Onslaught, and a Multipower 5, all as possible top prizes.

The higher the attendance the more prizes can be offered.

More info to come - you're from out of town and think you can make it let us know!




Splash image for our event:

We'll only do a tournament if there's enough people, ~8 or so will be a good number. Otherwise we'll do a regular meetup.

Nate Grey