some Marvels - justa for fun!

Started by justa, April 20, 2021, 09:31:30 PM

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Nice. I was surprised she wasn't a higher intelligence but I see that's how she's listed. Like the inherent for her. Also, I don't think I mentioned I really liked American Dream. I especially liked the mechanic on Party Crasher. Simple, yet effective. Definitely using it.
I'd thought about doing a mini set based on the whole Fear Itself storyline but i'll probably never get to it.


i thought Sin would be higher in grid level myself, but when it came to building time, i couldn't justify bumping her up any more than i did.  the Marvel Wiki ratings do help (none of the other publishers have stats), but they aren't OP ratings.  they only use a scale of 7, & i don't think they represent the OP power types very well.  so i use it for comparative purposes.  mostly i go by the grid definitions that OP3 published years ago.  it is the most complete & understandable summary of the power types and levels that i have seen.  you can see it here:

funny you should mention Fear Itself (fair story, some excellent artwork)


Fighting Mad
Girl Power
Lovin' Hubby
Power Gem
Professional Criminal
Serpent Hammer
The Hood's Illuminati



starting to wind down this group.  only 1 character left, but i'm leaving it to last.  meanwhile, a few team characters.  they're not the Three Stooges or the Three Musketeers, they are the
Warriors Three  (no, i have not seen Love & Thunder yet.)

Fandral: The Dashing
Hogun: The Grim
Volstagg: The Valiant
All For One
Blood Oath
Too Drunk To Fight
Victory Is Ours


formerly Wild Pack (until Silver Sable objected),

Six Pack

G.W. Bridge
SHIELD Support


That's a different Six Pack than I know. What comics to they appear in?
I don't know if i've ever read a comic with the Grey Gargoyle in it. But i love "Taken For Granite" as a title! Puns are the best.


this is the reformed group that were investigating Cable at Providence, 3 different from the original group.  but the question made me notice I had mixed up my story lines - Graymalkin was from the 1st group.  Updated to SHIELD Support with the same mechanic.

you can look up Grey Gargoyle if you're interested; he's been in a lot of stuff.
at one point, i had all of his specials as song titles.  Our House, Pebbles & Marbles, & French Press were changed because that theme seemed too cheesy.


this next one was fun to do - hope i didn't break them.  (not much of a team, more of a group)
Luke Cage prevented them from using the name Heroes for Hire, so they used the next best thing:

Mercs for Money

Terror Inc.

and the last of the team cards (yes, another gimmick team),

American Dream
Blue Streak
Earth Sentry

only 1 character left for this run of cards.


Cool stuff! That is a lot of card draw on Mercs For Money (not one my favorite reads, i thought it was going to be great but was disappointed. much prefer the Spider-Man & Deadpool comics) I've always liked stingray though.
I was trying to think of a guess as to who the last one would be, Tiger Shark? Unless you've done him and I forgot.


The mercs were all about the money, which i translated to extra cards.  (Poor translation i know - the ATM gives you nothing but duplicate 20s.)  With the low-level attack specials, the reduced grid, and having your deck eaten up by all the draws, i think my representation mirrors your opinion of the comic fairly well.

No, it is not Tiger Shark.  I did do King Shark in my DC thread, but i have no current plans for Tiger Shark.  And i wasn't fishing for guesses either because, quite frankly, for you to guess correctly would be Impossible, Man.  There are notes below each card, and some even have "notes".  It helps make more sense of the Specials.

Specials that only affect him:
Body Conglomerate
Gone Fission

Specials that affect him & 1 of Opponent's characters:
Funhouse Mirror
Summer Vacation

Specials that affect both teams:
Fifth Avenue
Nothing But Reruns
Poppupian Presentation
Wave Of Relief

that's all for a while (until i come up with more ideas/directions).  hope y'all enjoyed.


I'm so happy to be wrong! (nice pun, btw. ) I can't believe I never thought of making the Impossible Man. Took me a couple tries to figure out that Inherent. (pop into any location  ;), nice)


Nice, I like the Power card cloning on the Jackal.