
Started by gameplan.exe, July 27, 2011, 02:45:05 PM

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Can you negate your own specials? I suppose the wording on the cards does say, "played by opponent" but I was just curious if that part is strictly enforced.

Let's say that I play a DZ or FA on one of my characters and it forces my opponent to pass. Could I then negate the Special off of myself and then continue the fight?

I say, yes! But I'm usually alone on these types of rules interpretations...  :-[

Anyone else ever try to negate their own specials?
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


Only ED (Morbius) and ZZ (Any Hero) negates can remove your own specials if you were to play it literally.


Yeah, AO negates clearly state that you are negating the effects of any special played by 'opponent.'

And even in the case of ED negates or Bastion, the meta rules indicate the word 'opponent' which implies that you can't do anything to your own specials.



put Apoc & 3 stat Morbius on a team and negate your own techno virus for a KO ;-) [i'd like to get a ruling on this as it was used agaisnt me]


Now was Techno Virus negated?  Or did someone use lil'Iceman.  Because I think using lil'Iceman is a legal play in this case
I'm rubber and you're glue...


While I am sure that the "intent" behind Morbius' Negate was to only affect a Special card played by the opponent, and never one of your own Special cards no matter how ingenious a play this is, there does not seem to be anything in the card text that limits the target of his Negate to only Specials played by the opponent.  If something like this had come up back in 1996, I'm pretty sure there would have been some minor errata to clarify or effectively "rewrite" the game text on the card to be consistent with other negates and specifically mention Specials played by the opponent.

As far as Lil Iceman, it would only be legal if Techno-Virus was played by your opponent on you.  Lil Iceman affects your opponent's Special cards in play, not Special cards in play on your opponent's side of the table whether they are his or yours.


Pretty clear meta on negating:

Meta #40: Played defensively, negates cause Specials played by the opponent to be defended. Any actions described by the Special that should not be performed upon its success (discarding cards, being unable to attack, follow-up attacks, etc.) should not be performed.

Meta #41: Played offensively, negates remove any effects still being produced by a Special played by the opponent.

Hence, your negates may only target your opponets specials, whether you use the negate offensively or defensively.  These meta rules apply to ED as well as AO specials.