Event Card - Sabotage

Started by chuu, May 17, 2014, 08:16:39 AM

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Hi Guys,

Can anyone tell me if if you have to discard all placed and cards in hand or just cards in hand?



and all cards in permanent record too!

mr brown

i would guess no to permanent record, because other events played often like hideout discovered (teamworks discarded) have not effected permanent record.

AO user


here's my take

KLs discard all affected cards, whether in play, current battle, or permanent record

sabotage says discard all mutipower cards.  since there are no restricions in the text, that means hand/placed/permanent record

hideout discovered specifically says discard placed teamworks


I would think that the term "discard" would specifically target cards that were in your hand or placed; cards that still have yet to be played.  I'm unsure about applying Sabotage to a permanent record hit without "remove" or wording.

Anyone else play this with cards applying to hits on a p/cb record?

AO user

Interesting.... Maybe BBH or Jack will wade in...


For my part, I'm inclined to lean towards Breadman's interpretation - simply because the wording. As he says, there's nothing specific in the text to indicate - so it should apply to all circumstances.

However, the people who created this game were unfortunately not sticklers to making sure the text was absolutely clear. So that also begs the question - does the event also include multipower specials? It says multipower cards, not multipower POWER cards.

My guess is that they meant only multi-power power cards that were not in play, when they created this one.

But that's just conjecture. If asked to rule on it I'd argue that it applies to absolutely everything multipower - specials, power cards etc, that are placed,  in hand, or in play.


it's in one of my decks, we played it so that ALL multipower cards are affected.  Saved my saved ass that round, as my opponent discarded a multi 8 and I got to heal some hits.


There are only some Special cards that are actually Multipower. Quicksilver's and Nightcrawler's are, for example. The AQ specials are not.


I call bullshit on that. If it acts as more than one icon, it's multi power.

I guess the AQ special would therefore not affect Grunge, who must have a 'multipower' hit to be KO'd.


So grunge is invulnerable now?!


Grunge is still susceptible to the Dead is Dead ruling. Otherwise he needs a multipower hit to KO him. That's standard based on his inherent. If you can stave off a spectrum KO and avoid a multipower, you can soak a ton of hits on Grunge.

But if, as Jack implies, a special is not a multipower if it doesn't expressly use the term - then by extension it doesn't count towards Grunge's inherent.

I say why complicate it? If the hit has more than one active (active being that it's present when it lands, as opposed to just on the card) icon then it's multipower. End of story.

But hey, this is Overpower! Simplicity is against the core philosophy of this game!  :P