Dice Parry

Started by BasiliskFang, March 05, 2013, 03:28:50 AM

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Dice parry, Wager card(s) to block an attack, cards may be placed or in hand. Cards must be usable by character being attacked.
If dice parry is unsuccessful, you lose (w-6) cards still. Shuffle into deck. Attack hits normally.
If successful, opponent's card is discarded to defeated characters pile, the wager cards go back to the deck.

May only be used to defend a numerical attack. Follow ups still happen.

X-babies and 3 grid Galactus are ineligible.

1. Initiate
2. Determine cost
3. Determine balance
4. Determine resistance
5. Determine Record differential
6. Roll
7. Math

6 max - wager 1 card
7 max - wager 2 cards
8 max - wager 3 cards
Concede insurance: Add one placed card to gain the ability to concede after a dice parry, successful or unsuccessful.

Instead of wagering exactly a set amount of cards, perhaps point values are assigned to cards:
Universe, tactic, power = 1
Special, multipower, aspect = 2
Activator = 3

Grid totals:
10|11||12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19 = 3 grid
+2|+1|+1||0||00||0||-1||-1||-2|-2 = Balance
16|17|18|19|20|21|22||23||24|B = 4 grid

Balance: Once dice parry is initiated, defender gets this number added to their roll, attacker gets this number subtracted from their attack.

Type resistance: If the Attack Type matches high type of defender's = defender gets 8-R to dice parry. (attack is 12e, defender has 6e, so defender gets 2 (8-6=2) added to their roll. Giving no instance where an 8 grider gets a bonus.
Or maybe this can be rock paper scissors...Intellect beats Strength beats Energy beats Fighting beats Intellect.

Record differential: Count hits to current battle & permanent record. Defender gets this number minus 2 (H-2) added to their roll. 3 hits = 1, 4 hits = 2...

Roll a 12 sided die.

A player may only dice parry so many times per battle, here are some ideas:
If their opponent ventured more than them: +1 per ventured mission.
Began round outnumbered: +1 per outnumbering.
Cards discarded per round: +1 per 2 cards discarded.
No rank 7 or 8 on team: +1.
Maybe some other ideas, this can probably be kept track of with counters, maybe the starting count will be 1 or 2.

This is just something I made up in 90 minutes. Going by people saying max 6 characters are underused and have little chance of defense and my girlfriend saying that there aren't enough chances to defend (she is a really good magic player).


Wow, this is complex. Can you give an example scenario to show how this could be used?

How did you derive this mechanism? Have you had a chance to play test this before?

Overpower: Power Balance - New Custom Expansion!


Is this the new Legendary Marvels game???


Quote from: PowerBalance on March 06, 2013, 06:12:13 PM
Wow, this is complex. Can you give an example scenario to show how this could be used?
if an attack is unable to be defended by normal means, you may dice parry instead.

How did you derive this mechanism?
i made it up on the spot.
QuoteHave you had a chance to play test this before?
no but this is simply a proposal.

i think i can simplify it by only using: (I changed a few things)

1. Initiate
2. Determine cost (1, 2 or 3), defined in my first post.
3. Grids: 8s get +0, max 7s get +1, max 6s get +2. This stays static throughout every dice parry.
4. Determine Resistence (if attack is the same type as defender's highest grid type then 8-#, where # is the defender's grid for that type). This is the only needed to really figure out.
5. Roll Die
6. Math ( G+R+D, if this is more than the attack then the parry is successful. )
7. Disperse cards to appropriate piles

If dice parry is unsuccessful, you lose (wager-1=X) cards still. Discard X cards appropriately, shuffle the rest into deck. Opponent's attack hits normally.
If successful, opponent's card is discarded to appropriate pile, the wager cards are shuffled back into the deck.

Example: An attack is 11f from Heroes for hire against Blue Beetle (max 6).

1. Initiate, I guess you would just state, "I am going to try a dice parry".
2. cost = 1 bc Blue Beetle is a max 6.
3. Grids: +2
4. Determine Resistence: The type matches: so 8-6 = +2
5. Roll Die: 9 out of a 12 sided die.
6. Math ( G+R+D ), 2+2+9= 13>11 attack, dice parry is successful.
7. Disperse cards to appropriate piles