
Started by Arctursa, March 06, 2018, 06:23:17 PM

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I am an olddddddddddd overpower player from when I was a kid, around 12-14 years old. Had 1 friend and he and I played the heck out of it, super casually.  I went on to mtg as I got a bit older and had a long run of success with it. I had won 2 state championships, a Regionals, a SCG 5k a TCGPlayer 5k and qualified for 2 Pro Tours (played 1).

Now im a 30 something father of 2 who are total little nerds. They love comics and the MCU and so on. Somewhere in the back of my mind one day I remembered this game and started doing research on google, which is where I found your community. I am happy to see there are some who still enjoy the game and look forward to interacting with them!

I also have HEAPS of questions, so if anyone could point me to the nicer people on the forums who love to help Id appreciate it!


my kids were 8 & 10 when i first got into OP, and i'm still there.  (they're not.   :()
there's lots of info in the site if you're willing to spend the time to find it.  unfortunately, not too many people are posting these days.
hope you enjoy the site!   :)

