
Started by Demacus, July 09, 2011, 10:20:47 AM

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Hello all.  I'm an old player from back in '95 and collected/played up until the game came to a screeching halt after the release of X-men.  I never played this proffesionally, though when Vs came out some years later I did play that proffessionally and even became a level 2 judge.

I have a MASSIVE collection.  I can't guarantee that the rares you are missing are in my collection in abundance, but I'll be more then happy to look and see what I've got.  Like some others, I am planning on moving and buying a house with my wife soon, and she doesn't see why I still have a closet filled with binders, a 5k card box filled with OP, and at least 3 other 1k card boxes also topped off.  If I can help you finish your set, drop me a line.  If you'd just like to buy my entire completed set outright, that can be arrainged as well.  Otherwise, I will be re-downloading the OPOnline from this site if I can find the link, and will return to gaming OP that way. 

If anyone happens to live in the New York City area with cards, and would like to meet face to face for some games, then I'll just keep my cards and we can play after the move.  :D  Heading to the OP site via facebook now, since I was unaware that it existed.

Nate Grey

Welcome to the forums, Demacus. Hope you can find some players in your area to keep on playing, but if you don't, we do have quite a number of forum players who play using Overpower Online.

Jack is the last official build is an updated build with new Marvels expansion artwork and some fixes.

If you're willing to drive up to Toronto, we hold bi-monthly meetup/tournaments here and would love getting more people to play against.


I will keep the Toronto Tourneys in mind.  If I make it to New York as planned, it can't be too far of a commute, and I'm sure my buddy in Jersey will be more then happy to accompany me if we decide to make that trip.