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Beyonder & Reyes

Started by BasiliskFang, August 14, 2013, 08:53:43 PM

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Does Beyonder gain the ability to place and play 7&8i for defense?

Intellect Power Grid Rating is 8 for defense.

QuoteBeyonder counts toward 28 points for deck building. Beyonder can use any Special that the characters on your team can use, but he may not use "One Per Deck" Specials (this includes Any Hero/Character Specials as well). His power grid is are always the highest of all of the conscious characters. This means that if Beyonder is put on a team with Mojo (6-3-1-6), Jean Grey (7-3-2-4), and Jubilee (6-4-2-4), then his stats are effectively 7-4-2-6. If Jean Grey were K.O.'d, then his stats would change to 6-4-2-6. If Beyonder is the last character left standing, then his stats are the same as the second to last character left standing.


Quote from: BasiliskFang on August 14, 2013, 08:53:43 PM
Does Beyonder gain the ability to place and play 7&8i for defense?

Intellect Power Grid Rating is 8 for defense.

QuoteBeyonder counts toward 28 points for deck building. Beyonder can use any Special that the characters on your team can use, but he may not use "One Per Deck" Specials (this includes Any Hero/Character Specials as well). His power grid is are always the highest of all of the conscious characters. This means that if Beyonder is put on a team with Mojo (6-3-1-6), Jean Grey (7-3-2-4), and Jubilee (6-4-2-4), then his stats are effectively 7-4-2-6. If Jean Grey were K.O.'d, then his stats would change to 6-4-2-6. If Beyonder is the last character left standing, then his stats are the same as the second to last character left standing.

I don't think so, because he doesn't gain the benefit of other grid-related I.A., like Booster Gold's, for example. I don't have the reference material, but I'm pretty sure he only gets the benefit of the printed grids, and no modifiers (including I.A. modifiers)
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27




if it is just Reyes on the team and no other 8i heroes. can the 8i power card be in the deck?


yes, the 8I is still legal in the deck.


If super soldier and beta ray bill are on a team with beyonder can he play cap and Thor specials?


beta ray bill can't be on a team with beyonder, but superpatriot can. 

I don't know the exact wording on beyonder, but I was told he can only play teammates' specials, not any specials (came up when I suggested great power from a battlesite becomes playable by him)

then the issue is, whether the inherent allowing superpatriot to play cap's specials, makes them his specials or not.  we were told reyes' inherent doesn't transfer to beyonder, so I'd guess this one doesn't either, but I could see it going either way
