Palatinus' OverPower Forum

About the Game => Custom Cards => Topic started by: justa on October 24, 2017, 08:02:19 PM

Title: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on October 24, 2017, 08:02:19 PM
Instead of multiple posts, I decided to justa throw these all up at once.
This is a group of 10 DC characters.  I've never seen any of them done in OP before.  Most have appeared on TV in the past few years, but these are only based on the comic book versions.

Mad Hatter (
Hatter may not be the coolest of characters, but he must be popular enough, or they wouldn't keep bringing him back.


Dangerous Hats (
Mad Tea Party (
Mind Control (
Obsessive-Compulsive Genius (
Paranoid-Schizophrenic Thief (
The Tweed Cousins (
Wonderland Gang (

League Of Assassins (
I haven't seen many "team" based characters made for DC, especially for "villains".  So I figured I'd make one, justa for fun.  I tried to focus on the League's team characteristics rather than just including a bunch of characters (most of which wouldn't ever be made).


Ambush Tactics (
Ghul Horde (
Ninja Abilities (
Relentless Assault (
Sensei (
Shadow Resources (
The Demon's Head (

Amanda Waller (
Amanda (like Cosmo) is a character that most would only consider using for an Ally card, or an Aspect (say, for Belle Reve?), so she's a good subject for me to try.  None of that skinny Amada stuff here; I find it hard to take the "bimbo" version seriously.  (Weight loss plus rejuvenation?  Or just a needless retcon?)  Her old look and art matched her manipulative guile and the threat of obvious or unseen leverage, and made it easily visible to the readers.


Arrest Warrant (
Implant Trigger (
Indomitable Will (
Intelligent Fighter (
Not Intimidated (
Suicide Squad (
Team Leader (

Deadshot (
I'm a little surprise nobody has taken on Floyd before, considering how long he's been around and the exposure he's gotten.  (I'm sure somebody else will eventually.)


Damn!  Still Alive (
Fair Fight (
Have Gun, Will Travel (
Murder & Mayhem (
Successful Assassin (
Suicide Squad (
Wrist Guns (

Killer Frost (
I used just the Louise Lincoln version here, not Crystal Frost, and definitely not Caitlin Snow.  I usually like TV shows based on comics, but it doesn't appeal to me at all when comics change to match a non-animated TV show.  (Harley's OK, but that show was animated.)


Cold Storage (
Frigid Friend (
Frozen Beams (
Heat Absorption (
Icy Touch (
Suicide Squad (
Thermo-Kinetic Cryokinesis (

King Shark (
I wanted a Squad member that was strength focused, so I took a crack at Nanuae.  (He and the above 3 characters all were part of the Suicide Squad during the Interim stories between Volume 1 and Volume 2.)  He's a "*&^%$#@ sharrrrrrrrk!".  It's that simple.


Deadly Jaws (
Deep-Sea Endurance (
I'm A *&^%$#@ Sharrrrrrrrk! (
Occasional Ally (
Regenerative Dive (
Speedy Assault (
Suicide Squad (

Ragman (
Despite its look, his suit is an interesting and extremely potent artifact.  I can't say that I care for the latest "mummy" look.


Cloak Of Souls (
Intimidating Aura (
Mystical Cloth (
Occult Knowledge (
Shadowpact (
Tatterdmedallion Of Justice (
The Strength Of Many (

Mister Bones (
This is the character they didn't want on Supergirl because of his low level of usability on a good guy team (he's a bad influence with minimal powers and a chain smoker), plus the continuous drain on the CGI budget for a character with invisible skin.


Cyanide Touch (
Hero Wannabe (
Inside Information (
Moment Of Truth (
Pawns In A Game (
Regional DEO Director (
Respect For The Fallen (

Maxwell Lord (
This is the guy that is so good at what he does, they keep bringing him back so that they can have a decent villain to kill off again.


Business Savvy (
Kilg%re's Lord Havok (
Psychic Persuasion (
Tactical Murderer (
Telepathic Influence (
Toasting The Dead (
Wealth Has Its Privileges (

Rip Hunter (
Rip, like Amanda and Cosmo, is another good supporting character.  I focused his Specials mostly towards his time travel technology and its effects.


All In The Family (
Chalk Board Notes (
Outside Of Time (
Partners In Time (
Self-Trained Fighter (
Time Lab (
Time Sphere (

Let me know what you think.
Title: Re: 10 from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: chuu on October 25, 2017, 04:10:27 PM
Good Work Justa :)
Title: Re: 10 from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on October 25, 2017, 04:29:29 PM
thanks, chuu.  i've tried hard to make the characters usable without giving them too much compared to existing characters.
Title: Re: 10 from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: OP3 on October 26, 2017, 02:29:14 AM
This is really cool to see.  Of the 10 you've done up, Deadshot is the only one I had planned to include in my next DC set.  For me, Amanda Waller and Mr. Bones are just too low-level to write up as their own Characters.  They're going to be Allies in OP3.  And I don't think I could resist giving a 7I to Hatter.  Nonetheless, good job all around.
Title: Re: 10 from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: fennshysa on October 26, 2017, 09:26:18 AM
That is some seriously awesome work! And I bet that took a  lot of work. I know how hard it is to get the right art for the more popular characters sometimes. I like that Inherent on Ragman. I've already thought of some other places that can be used.

Nice choice with the League Of Shadows. They never crossed my mind. Deadshot was the only one I was seriously thinking about using too.
Title: Re: 10 from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on October 26, 2017, 10:33:25 AM
i thank you both for the feedback!   ;D  i'll look forward to seeing both of your versions of Floyd - as I said, I'm a little surprised no one has taken him on before.

     i can't feel too bad about beating you to the punch on Deadshot, since you got your Relentless Assault up before me.  (not that its a race or anything.   ;))
     i don't see Mad Hatter as quite up to the Intellect level of Joker & Riddler.  a lot of the time he seems (to me) to be more into his Alice In Wonderland delusions than his criminal activity.
     and THANK YOU very much for your comments on individual cards in deviantart.  any help i can get in improving my cards is greatly appreciated.  there doesn't seem to be as much interest in homemade cards as there was several years ago.

     don't get too attached to Ragman's character card.  i didn't see it until OP3 pointed it out to me, but that's a negative IA (no matter how thematically appropriate) on a max-6 character.  that really blunts the attractiveness of using a character, and their usefulness in the game.  it's on my list of changes to be made.
     yes, finding the right art can be a bitch.  for some of these "more marginal" characters (as opposed to the more popular ones), i'm finding that i have to gather what pictures i can find, then find a way to work in an appropriate mechanic and card name, rather than design the cards first and then search for art that fits them.  a more difficult and time-consuming process to be sure, but much fun justa the same.

based on comments (or my reaction to comments), the following cards have been updated:
Deadshot's Wrist Guns
Killer Frost's Finger Beams
Ragman's character card
Ragman's The Strength Of Many
Maxwell Lord's character card
Maxwell Lord's Wealth Has Its Privileges
Rip Hunter's Outside Of Time
Title: Re: 10 from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: TGW on October 27, 2017, 12:37:45 AM
Nice work. I've had a few of these characters made myself; Deadshot, Mad Hatter, King Shark, Killer Frost, Amanda Waller and Rip Hunter. I like your versions a lot.

How do you go about creating your cards? I'm absolutely terrible with Photoshop and would love to get back to creating my own cards without having to commission the work to somebody else, if possible.
Title: Re: 10 from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on October 27, 2017, 10:50:52 AM
i also could not get the hang of photoshop.  fennshysa uses imgur, and probably others use different programs as well.

i myself use microsoft visio 2007.  i used it a lot at work so i was very comfortable with it, and i got it for $10 through my employer.  my first attempts were quite crude, but i finally got it to a point where i thought they looked good enough to post.  (though it took me a good long while to figure out to post - old dog, new tricks, different story.)  visio has a lot of drawbacks, in that it can't do some things, but i've found a semi-suitable work-around to approximate a few of them (making circular parts of art for insets, covering up text bubbles on a solid or consistently colored background, almost 3-D looking text that really isn't).
its not a program that i'd necessarily recommend. it takes a while to learn, but is simple in its approach and application.  i was already handy with it, and was able to develop an "assembly line" technique to prevent much rework and simplify the process further.

regardless of the program you use, i'd love to see what you come up with for cards!   ;D

Additional updates:
Mad Hatter's Wonderland Gang
Amanda Waller's character card
Deadshot's Wrist Guns (again)
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on November 17, 2017, 08:42:51 PM
I decided to add a few more DC characters that I've never seen done.

Vandal Savage (
This one was suggested to me, so I took it as a challenge.  I didn't get all of his looks, but I got quite a few.


Ageless Outlaw (
Barbarian Tendencies (
Blackbeard (
Blood Sacrifice (
Bow Before Me! (
Immortal Evil (
The Reptile Brain (
Visionary (

Ventriloquist (
This character was on my list of characters listed on a Homebase that were never created.  I tried a different way to
make him usable.


Free From Arkham (
Grainy Glocka Wood (
I'm The Goss! (
Leave Da Thinkin' Ta Me (
Meet My Little Friend (
Scarface (
Voice Relocation (

Let me know what you think.
Since I have an 8F & an 8I, I figure I should find 8s for the other power types to do as well.  I'll add them a little later.

Edit 11/19: updated Vandal Savage's character card and Blood Sacrifice special.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: OP3 on November 19, 2017, 02:43:14 AM
These are great to see.  Two more characters I hadn't planned to include in my next DC set.  I left some more specific comments on DA.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on November 23, 2017, 12:59:13 PM
As promised, a few more DC characters that I've never seen done.  These will probably be it for a while.

The Shade (
Not an obvious choice at 8E, because most people think of energy as being associated with light.  But the Shadowlands provide all the energy that the Shade requires, just in a darker form.  I tried to capitalize on that darkness with the Specials.


Blinded By The Night (
Darklands Projection (
Demon Control (
Master Of Darkness (
Perpetual Shade (
Shadow Force Field (
Shadowland Construct (
Tendril Squeeze (

Despero (
I struggled to find a decent 8S to do.  I had no interest in doing Superboy Prime, for several reasons.  I only decided on using Despero after walking a tightrope of comparisons between him, Martial Manhunter, and Superman.  While the grids may be similar, the Specials are not.


Cunning Fighter (
Flame Of The Py'Tar (
Illusion Casting (
Intergalactic Conqueror (
Phenomenal Strength (
Regenerative Biology (
Third Eye Blast (

Dominators (
I already had an 8I, but this idea came to me while discussing race-based Marvel characters with fennshysa.  While there are some DC team-based characters, the Dominators are the first DC race-base character I've ever seen done.


Alien Alliance (
Cold Calculation (
Diplomatic Domination (
Gene Bomb (
Metagene Manipulation (
Technological Tyrants (
Warrior Caste (

Let me know what you think.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: fennshysa on November 23, 2017, 01:12:15 PM
Oooh! Dominators, neat idea. They've got a lot of exposure lately with the CW.  I like the gene bomb especially.
I don't think i have ever read anything with Shade in it. Who is he primarily associated with?
Can't look at Despro...
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on November 23, 2017, 01:22:35 PM
the CW didn't portray the Dominators like they were in Invasion! at all.  but it did influence my grid slightly.

Shade was primarily a Flash character, but he played a big part during the Jack Knight version of Starman.  he's also appeared with Dr Fate & a few other characters.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: Zer0evil on November 24, 2017, 06:40:27 PM
When are you going to make this superhero?

Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: fennshysa on November 24, 2017, 09:58:09 PM
Ahhhh.. thank you. I didn't know any of that.

Wow! Captain Planet. I remember that one. It was on the same time as Pirates of Dark Water. Actually, Uncannyknack did a decent looking ( piece of art for the good captain. Maybe we should do that one justa?
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: OP3 on November 25, 2017, 04:13:23 AM
Loving your selection of characters justa.  Again, no one I had immediate plans to write up myself, but I'm so glad someone finally did the Shade.  One of DC's best characters right there, entirely thanks to Starman.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: Zer0evil on November 25, 2017, 05:50:29 AM
Quote from: fennshysa on November 24, 2017, 09:58:09 PM
Ahhhh.. thank you. I didn't know any of that.

Wow! Captain Planet. I remember that one. It was on the same time as Pirates of Dark Water. Actually, Uncannyknack did a decent looking ( piece of art for the good captain. Maybe we should do that one justa?

I was mostly joking lol, but that IS a nice artwork for him.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on November 25, 2017, 11:23:28 AM
 ;D  good one, Zer0evil!  personally, i was more a fan of Thundarr the Barbarian (on right before Dark Water).

but the real answer to your question is that the short run that Captain Planet had as a comic (which was not the same continuity as the TV cartoon) was put out by Marvel.  also, it was never considered a part of the Marvel continuity, either.  this is a DC thread.

updated Shade's Demon Control and Perpetual Shade per OP3's comment.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: Zer0evil on November 25, 2017, 05:27:17 PM
Quote from: justa on November 25, 2017, 11:23:28 AM
;D  good one, Zer0evil!  personally, i was more a fan of Thundarr the Barbarian (on right before Dark Water).

but the real answer to your question is that the short run that Captain Planet had as a comic (which was not the same continuity as the TV cartoon) was put out by Marvel.  also, it was never considered a part of the Marvel continuity, either.  this is a DC thread.

updated Shade's Demon Control and Perpetual Shade per OP3's comment.

Oh, I did not know that about Captain and Marvel. Sorry for going off topic, this is the last time I promise! When can someone make Ace and Larry hero cards?

Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on June 29, 2019, 11:18:56 AM
while camping out in my garage (still no house yet), I finally got around to doing a few more characters for DC.
but before I can post them, I need to figure out how to get the image into the post.  I used to be able to right-click and select "copy location".  ( I was using Firefox on a Windows 7 machine.)  for some reason, Edge & Windows 10 won't let me do that.
but coming soon...

IE still works.
not very much new here other than the characters.  I have generously borrowed (or stolen, if you must) mechanics from several different creators as well as legacy mechanics.  please consider it a consider it a compliment if you see your creation used.
as before, i'll post the character cards and a link to the specials.

first up, Vixen (

Battle Lion (
Enhanced Senses  (
Ferocious Fighter (
Power Replication (
Rebirth (
Tantu Totem (
Tracking Senses  (

Atom Smasher (

Atom Smash (
Flatten (
Gentle Soul (
Looming Presence (
Mass Increase (
Suicide Squad (
We Need To Talk (

and Gypsy (

Astral Projection (
Covert Operative (
Fear Projection (
Illusion Casting (
Invisible Rescuer (
Precognition (
Scrappy Fighter (

let me know what you think.

(i finally learned how to do a URL - old dog, new tricks and all that...)
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: fennshysa on June 29, 2019, 10:58:31 PM
Cool.  I have never read a comic with Vixen or Gypsy in them. My only exposure to them is from the CW Shows. I like what you did with Gypsy (I"m assuming she's not a teleporter/breacher like on Flash, just based on the titles of the cards) She reminds me of a Jubilee but better. I like the teammate may avoid 1 attack and may not be attacked special. Nice!

I may have to explore your FY variation for Vixen. I like that!

I see what you mean about Atom Smasher's Inherent. Like it too! Some wild variations on the specials for him. Love the variation on the AM special. That works nice. The reverse of the NN special is a nice touch too.  The US special seemed excessive til i got to the end of it. Kinda neat! I wasn't sure about the KZ or UP specials either til i realized they were OPD. I think those would work to. Nice new stuff.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on June 30, 2019, 11:13:37 AM
and now I figured out how to do URLs, so I can link them (for those don't care for deviant art).

Tantu Totem is Muir Island's Genetic Research for 1 person instead of the whole team.  I felt it fit the stabilizing power of the totem.  she could access the morphogentic field (IA) without it, but the totem keeps her from going nuts from all the animal-ability adsorption.

as I said, none of my mechanics this time around are new.  some are straight legacy, some are ones that I've come up with and used before, and many are from people like you, OP3, Bios, and several others.  what took the most time was deciding on which mechanics/variations best-fit which characters, and matching the up to appropriate artwork.  plus making each character attractive to use in some capacity while not making the "too" good.

keep in mind the CW shows and other TV productions) produce their own versions of character for their own purposes.  to paraphrase what Seth Rogen said when asked about why Preacher was not like the comics - "~we tried to maintain the flavor of the comic.  but if you want the comic, go read the comic.  we're making a TV show here.~"  it seems DC comics has been altering some of the comics characters to be more like the TV show versions.  go figure.

a few more

The Royal Flush Gang (

Android Ace (
Flying Cards (
Fortune's Shuffle (
One-Eyed Jack (
Stacked Deck (
Straight Flushed (
Trouble In Any Suit (

Pied Piper (

Army Of Rats (
Arresting Melody (
Distracting Blare (
Master Composer (
Questionable Ally (
Sonic Manipulation (
Time To Pay The Piper (

Hugo Strange (

Clinical Research (
Delusions Of Grandeur (
Mad Obsession (
Mental Manipulation (
Psychoanalyze (
Sociopath (
Villainous Inspiration (

let me know what you think.

edit - 3 more.

Elongated Man (

Brilliant Detective (
Defensive Posture (
Gingold (
Sifting The Evidence (
Standing Tall (
Stretch Attack (
Twitch Of The Nose (

Black Lightning (

Company's Comin'! (
Decathlete (
Electrical Healing (
Electro-Blast (
Friends In Low Places (
Fully Charged (
Street Educator (

Parademons (

Apokaliptian Armor (
Boom Tube (
Mechanomorphs (
Sadistic Soldiers (
Self Detonation (
Shock Troops (
Strength In Numbers (

let me know what you think.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on July 03, 2019, 09:24:39 PM
at last the site allows me to double post.  now I don't need to find out how large a single post can be...
a few more to add:

Professor Pyg (

Dollotron (
Knife In The Back (
Power Tools (
Sadistic Butcher (
Surgical Alteration (
Unclean Hands (

Etrigan (

Blood Ties (
Demon Knight (
Eldritch Blast (
Hellfire (
Mystical Abilities (
Prince Of Hell (
Razor Claws (

and Donna Troy (

Amazon Warrior (
Bracelets Of Submission (
Lasso Of Persuasion (
Mission Accomplished (
Old School Beat-Down (
Strength In Unity (
Unchained (

let me know what you think.

and to add the last 3 of this go-round:

Big Barda (

Augmented Abilities (
Boom Tube (
Darkseid's Fury (
Dynamic Duo ( 
Mega-Rod (
New God (
Striking Blow (

Miter Terrific (

Eidetic Learning (
Fair Play (
Inventor & Engineer (
Penetrating The Defense (
T-Spheres (
Tactical Assault (
Third Smartest Man (

Creeper (

Back Rider (
Extreme Agility (
Hypnotic Intimidation (
Nano-Healing (
Night Stalker 1 (
Night Stalker 2 (
Night Stalker 3 (
Night Stalker 4 (
The Power Of Laughter (
Two Sides Of The Same Coin (

as I said, that's all for this go-round.  let me know what you think.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: fennshysa on July 05, 2019, 11:48:43 PM
WOW!  That is an incredible amount of diverse specials and characters. I missed some of them til just now and haven't looked to closely at some because they are on my list for my next DC set.
I gotta say, you do a pretty good job as far as i'm concerned with balancing those new specials. A lot of times i'll look at one of you new special codes and think "that's way too much"  then if i consider how it's worded and how it will play i realize, "that could work".

The pig guy is really creepy. I've never read anything with him in it. Who is he usually a villain for? I liked the Royal Flush Gang. Interesting building/bluffing mechanic on the one set of the Creeper's Specials.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on July 06, 2019, 05:30:05 PM
keep in mind that not all of the "new" codes are mine.  besides mine & legacy codes/mechanics, I used other sources as well.  specifically, this group of cards includes mechanics from you, OP3, Bios, justabgkid, the MoE volume 1 set, and at least 1 that I can no longer identify (Piper's TA) that came from the old site that you used to post on way back when.  (I still can't remember the name of it, but it no longer exists as far as I know.)

Professor Pyg is another Bat-villain.  the majority of characters that I've done from DC come from Batman, Flash, JLA, JSA, and Suicide Squad.  I thumbed through the list of DC characters on comic vine, and selected ones that A) I haven't seen a complete version done before, B) that interested me above the others or were unique in some way, and C) had (at least semi-) adequate art for me to complete their cards.

I appreciate any & all feedback, be it good or bad, so thanks.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on February 20, 2020, 08:00:19 PM
I have a few more DC characters before I switch back to Marvel.

The Human Target (
Not much to attack with in his Specials, but that's not his job.


Another Face In The Crowd (
Bodyguard (
Exit Strategy (
I Don't Impersonate - I Become (
Loaded For Bear (
Seeing Double (
Target Me (

and an old timer in comics, the Sandman Wesley Dodds (  (I specified Wesley Dodds to separate him from Morpheus and Flint Marko in my file system.)


Brilliant Detective (
On The Case (
Prophetic Dreams (
Sandy Hawkins (
Stun Gas (
Until Its Washed Away (
Wirepoon Gun (

let me know what you think.

Next up, the maven of meta-medicine, Doctor Mid-Nite (
I planned on the McNider version, but the Cross artwork was better.  Plus this way there's no Blowfish or Darius Rucker jokes.  And they are basically the same character.


Blackout Bomb (
Charlie (
Enhanced Dexterity (
Medical Gauntlets (
Night Vision (
Preventative Medicine (
Super Surgeon (

Hourman (
This is the Rex Tyler version.  I tried to line up the Miraclo Special with how it worked for him in the comics (assuming an "hour" per battle, 1 battle per "day").  The initial 1 card advantage goes away quickly.  (Probably why no one has done him before...)


Hourglass Visions (
Man Of The Hour (
Miraclo (
Power Punch (
Timeless Tyler DNA (
Timely Presence (
Timepoint (

let me know what you think.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on February 24, 2020, 07:54:36 PM
Next up, Black Mask (
He's been Gotham's top dog in crime twice, so he has to be on a par (total point-wise) with Penguin.


Criminal Strategist (
Gotham Gangster (
Here I Come (
Interrogation (
Rise (
The Black Mask Gang (
Trophy Wall (

and Vigilante (
i planned on Adrian Chase, but the art for his brother Dorian was much better.


Battle Suit (
Fully Automatic (
Gotham Underground (
Indiscretion (
Sneak Attack (
The Best Defense... (
Urban Adjudicator (

Felix Faust (


Cursed Appearance (
Demonic Bargain (
Eldritch Blast (
Sacrifice Others (
Summoning Spell (
The Black Room (
Thread Of Acheron (

Doctor Alchemy (


Chemical Mastery (
Element Blaster (
Inorganic Destruction (
Organic Transformation (
Personality Disorder (
Philosopher's Stone (
The Proper Equation (
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on March 02, 2020, 01:10:38 PM
and the last 4 ...

Metron (


Anti-Life Equation (
Boom Tube Inventor (
Force Shield (
Let Others Fight (
Mobius Chair (
Seeker Of Knowledge (
Worlogog (

Fatal Five (
thought i'd give 'em a try before the movie comes out...


Emerald Empress (
Mano (
Persuader (
Tharok (
Validus (
Formidable Foes (
No One Man Alone... (
Persistent Persecutors (

Shadowpact (


Blue Devil (
Detective Chimp (
Enchantress (
Nightmaster (
Nightshade (
Ragman (
Lost Cause (

Metal Men (


Gold (
Iron (
Lead (
Mercury (
Platinum (
Tin (
Alloy (

that'll be it for a while...
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on October 11, 2022, 09:30:09 PM
after my last group of Marvel characters, i realized i was 5 light on DC, so here are a few more:

the first group was one of (if not the) first creator-owned comics.  they got a nod in legacy OP on the Any Mission Event "To Fight On".  apparently DC was hesitant to push it, in that they mis-identified Cascade as "Crusade", and that the series ends with a Dallas/St. Elsewhere "only a dream" ending.
but anyways, here's the Sovereign Seven (

Cascade (
Cruiser (
Finale (
Indigo (
Network (
Rampart (
Reflex (

back in the day, bios did a version of the JLA, so i decided to give them the natural foil.
the Injustice League (

Cheetah (
Criminal Consortium (
Doctor Light (
Gorilla Grodd (
Joker (
Lex Luthor (
Poison Ivy (
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: fennshysa on October 12, 2022, 10:54:46 AM
Cool. I feel like I need to read the Sovereign Seven now. That looks interesting.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on October 14, 2022, 07:24:33 PM
this next character has been a villain, a "hero", a reporter/commentator/narrator, Amber Butane of the Amber Butane Corps, lover of Cheeks, and many other things we don't need to mention.  he's broken the fourth wall so many times that the house is tilted.  He is
Ambush Bug (



Comic Distraction (
Dumb Luck (
Freedom Of The Press (
Saving Cheeks, The Toy Wonder (
Simon Says (
Surprise! (
Trophy Wall (

FYI - that's the 5th member of the Justice League of Anarchy in OP now, joining Trickster, Harley Quinn, Plastic Man, and Creeper.  if somebody has an idea of how to make 'Mazing Man fit into OP, i'm all ears.  (my grid for him would total around 8, and that's being generous.  a silly but fun read.)

might as well throw up (literally) the last 2 here as well.  neither of these really belong in OP as they don't team up well with others, and neither can actually be killed.  consider them experiments in imortality.

first is Black Flash (  i did Madame Webb for the spiderverse, so i might as well add him to the speedforce.  at least the grid sorta lines up.


Chronokinesis (
Death In The Speed Force (
Endless Pursuit (
Energy Adsorption (
Faster Than You (
Numbers Don't Matter (
The Next Black Flash (

finally, after doing Impy for the Marvel thread, i couldn't resist doing Mxy here in DC.  text under the card for Mister Mxyzptlk ( details some design considerations (which may or may not excuse me from making him in the first place).


All Mxyzt-Up (
Concrete Mxyzr-For The Birds (
Dimensional Hijinks (
Forget Somebody? (
Gifts For The Taking (
Grand Master (
Malicious Mischief (
Trick Or Treat (
What Are You Smokin'? (

and that evens up Marvel & DC.  not sure when or where i'll be going next.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: fennshysa on October 17, 2022, 09:27:55 AM
I tried the sovereign seven series. didn't really like the first couple issues. should i stick with it?

Cool. I only know the Black Flash from the CW show.

All Mxyzt up says "an" instead of "on".
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on October 17, 2022, 10:53:03 AM
good catch - thanks!  (fixed)
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: Dog on March 14, 2023, 08:54:33 PM
justa, how do you enforce the "teammate" part of Black Flash's IA? It's not like "speedster" is defined in the game anywhere.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on March 14, 2023, 09:34:15 PM
Regarding the term "speedster": no, it is not defined anywhere that I know of.  I define "speedster" as a character that is insanely fast by physical means (though cyborg-enhancement or other reasons could be debated).  My intent had 3 specific categories of characters in mind.  First, obviously, is the DC speedsters which include Barry Allen, Wally West, Eobard Thawne, Hunter Zoloman, Jessequick, and some of the kids as well.  (Note: I've seen versions of all the characters I cited.)  The second category is speedsters from other publishers - Quicksilver and Velocity come to mind, but I'm sure there are others.  The third category is the debatable characters - electronic characters can exhibit great speed, and then there's Superman....

My philosophy leans more towards "if both players agree to it, then let's try it out".

None of which directly answers your question.  The simplistic beauty of it is, I don't need to "enforce" anything!  I merely present ideas for your perusal.  In light of the previous philosophy, if the cards work for you and yours, then I am both flattered and honored, and wish you Happy Venturing.  And if they don't work for you and yours, then justa don't use them.  No harm, no foul.  And Happy Venturing anyways!
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: Dog on March 14, 2023, 09:57:11 PM
Sorry, I'm an editor, so the brain twitches.

I've been doing something in my customs with Character "versions" -- the thing after the colon in later clones. So you could do a Flash: Speedster and Quicksilver: Speedster, for example.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on March 14, 2023, 11:19:17 PM
You are an editor; I used to be a glorified technical writer back when I worked for a living.  Nowadays I get paid to stay home.  But I think I understand where you're coming from.ll
Someone could do ": Speedster" variants if they so wished to do so.  It will not be me.  I feel it is either understood as is, or it is unusable.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on July 11, 2023, 06:40:17 PM
Dog: if you're talking, the "Marauder", "Excaliber", "House of X", "Destructive", "Deep Cover", etc. cards, yeah, I've definitely been digging them, as well as the Spider-developments.  If you and Francisco have a site other than Facebook that you post on (personal, 3rd party, etc.), I'd love you to send me a link (off-forum).  The reason I ask was that I noticed only ~1/2 of the Reign Of X set was posted on Facebook, so I wonder what else I might be missing out on.

thought i might try a few more portrayals that i've not seen done before.  some of the should have been made before this.  some of them probably should not have - ever.  who is to say?  as Rod Serling used to say, "Submitted for your perusal..."

Toyman (


Army Of Toys (
Attack Planning (
Body Doubles (
Dreams Of Revenge (
Small Operations (
Some Assembly Required (
Toyboy (

and Metamorpho (


Element Man (
Molecular Mimic (
Outsider (
Shift (
The Element Of Surprise (
The Fab Freak Of 1001 Changes (
Variable Form (

Peacemaker (


Destructive Methods (
Find This Amusing? (
Getting The Job Done (
I'll Kill To Keep The Peace! (
Special Forces (
Street Sweeper (
The Scarab Database (

Obsidian (


Darkside View (
Heroic Legacy (
Infinity, Inc. (
Opaque Actions (
Shadow Construct (
Shadow Form (
Size Alteration (

Congorilla (


Ally Of Freedom Beast (
Bogadu, The Golden Gorilla (
"Congo" Bill Glenmorgan (
High-Impact Blow (
Justice League (
Saving The Day (
Tally Ho! (

Detective Chimp (


Bureau Of Amplified Animals (
Guild Of Detectives (
Helm Of Nabu (
Justice League Dark (
Occult Inquisitor (
Shadowpact (
The Oblivion Bar (

June Moone (


Artifact Annihilator (
Change Outcome (
Dzamor Manifest (
Magical Blast (
Shadowpact (
Suicide Squad (
The Enchantress (

Mera (


Abiding Attraction (
Eye Of The Storm (
Hydrokinesis (
Queen Of Atlantis (
The Ocean's Fury (
Unlikely Allies (
Xebelian Strength (

Doctor Hurt (


El Penitente (
Heartless (
Hyper-Adapter Fusion (
R.I.P. (
The Black Glove (
The Three Ghosts Project (
"Zur-En-Arrh" (

Kalibak (


Boom Tube (
High Threshold Of Pain (
Kalibak The Cruel (
Military Commander (
Mother Box (
New God (
Welcome To Beta-Club-Dead (

Rag Doll (


Demented Thief (
Don't Call Me Clown! (
Stranglehold (
Surprise Assault (
Triple-Jointed (
Villains United (
Weird-Off (

Anarky (


Anti-Villain (
Battle Suit (
Beware My Power! (
Code Name "Moneyspider" (
Personal Boom Tube (
Stun Baton (
Throwing Stars (

and finally, Trigon (


Demonic Regeneration (
Eldritch Blasts (
Heart Of Darkness (
I AM Power! (
Intimidation (
Ruler Of The Under-Realms (
Warp Reality (

all of my cards can be found here:
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on March 17, 2024, 09:49:31 PM
a small addition to mirror the marvel thread.  i intended to continue the "attack of the clones" theme, but Comm. James Gordon is the only one, and it seemed redundant to do him solo, as it all comes back to the G.C.P.D.  but the research did point me do an un-done character:

Renee Montoya (


Crack Shot (
Defining Moment (
Off-Duty Operation (
Protect & Defend (
Quick Reflexes (
Take-Down (
The New Question (

which pointed me to another un-done character:

Richard Dragon (


Bludhaven Brawl (
Chi Channeling ( (several of you all have asked for something like this)
Death Match (
Dragon Fists (
Former Thief (
Many Come- Some Learn (
Martial Arts Master (

for parity"s sake, since i did marvel's Super Adaptoid, i should present the DC predecessor (similar but different build):
Amazo (


Absorption-Cell Technology (
Destructive Rage (
Ivo's One-Man Justice League (
Laser Vision (
Mechanical Repairs (
Object Duplication (
Power Mimic (

and again, for parity's sake, i did the Heralds of Galactus, so why not the
Heralds Of The Anti-Monitor ( (an actual team, short-lived as it was)


Cyborg Superman (
Manhunters (
Parallax (
Sinestro (
Superboy-Prime (
The Anti-Monitor (
The Power Of Fear (

and finally (to go completely off the rails), a short lived team, based on an interesting concept, with some cool art; but the story line...  built for attack only, no defense outside of the exaggerated Power grid, nothing but OPD Specials, i present to you my version of:

Barbatos' Dark Knights (


Barbatos (
The Batman Who Laughs (
The Dawnbreaker (
The Devastator (
The Drowned (
The Merciless (
The Murder Machine (
The Red Death (

that's all for now...
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: fennshysa on March 20, 2024, 10:25:11 PM
Sweet! Liking them. I love Destructive Rage for Amazo! I was working on him last week and we definitely went different ways but had some specials overlap. However the mechanics for destructive rage are so perfect for him i may have to scrap one of my other cards and use that on mine too!
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: Majestic on June 10, 2024, 01:37:53 PM
As always, awesome stuff!
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on June 14, 2024, 08:15:23 PM
to fennshysa: I checked out your Amazo on the "Lots & Lots" thread.  While more thematically correct, I'm not sure it works in an OP environment.  21 points for a character that may not be able to play most cards in your deck (depending on your team build vs. Opponent's team build).  A risky proposition at best.  The only special I disagreed with was the self-negate.  I'm not sure he warrant's that one.

to Majestic - I need to pull an Eeyore here: "Thanks for noticing me."  I am sometimes amazed at all the visits this site gets, yet so few people post.  I'll get over it.

my intent was to even up my DC posts with my Marvel posts - I'm 5 locations & 2 Missions short.  For the first location, I needed to add an extra character (which makes up for the Jubilee: Vampire cards).

JLA Detroit (

Elongated Man (
Firestorm (
Gypsy (
Martian Manhunter (
Steel (
Vibe (
Vixen (

which leads to the first location, Detroit MI (

Dale Gunn (
Jason Rusch (

Nanda Parbat (

Judomaster (
Rama Kushna (

next, I intentionally went lower-tier (& non-legacy) for Blackgate Penitentiary (

Island Fortress (
Utter Bedlam (

Belle Reve (  I've seen 50+ characters made for OP that fit in the location.

Implant Trigger (
Rick Flag (

the last location is primarily from Doom Patrol, with a nod to the New 52 version of the Teen titans.  Doom Patrol characters I've seen made for OP include the team itself, Chief, Elasti-Girl, Negative Man, Robotman, Beast Boy/Changeling. Celcius, Negative Woman, Elongated Man, Metamorpho, and Ambush Bug.  Presenting: Danny The Street (

Danny The Ambulance (
Danny The Brick (
Danny The Island (
Danny The World (
Dannyland (

That's all for now.  Sooner or later I'll be back with 2 Missions.

Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on July 20, 2024, 09:00:31 PM
I decided on the 2 Missions - both are inter-connected.
First. I went with The Rise Of The Third Army, a crossover between Green Lantern Vol 5, Green Lantern Corps Vol 3. Red Lanterns, and Green Lantern New Guardians.  (Includes 6 Events based on the story.)


Which lead me to another Mission, that I titled "The Ring Masters".  (Considering that "Lord of the Rings" was already taken by Mr. J.R.R. Tolkien.)  Consider it Kyle Rayner's journey through the rings.  (Includes 7 Events, 1 of which is a duplicate of the Rise Of The Third Army.)


You can find the cards here:

Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: Anyonecanbethebug on August 01, 2024, 05:01:52 PM
Very interested in Danny the Street. I was actually gonna make him as a dual Homebase/Character for a set I'm planning in the near future.
Title: Re: 10 plus from DC - justa for fun!
Post by: justa on August 01, 2024, 05:45:15 PM
I look forward to seeing it.  A character version would fit right into his location, as technically he IS a Doom Patrol member.

8/13/24 - I also added 5 more locations:
Checkmate HQ
Iceberg Lounge
Land Of The Damned
Planet Krypton (the restaurant, not home of the Supes)

they can be found here: