Tabletop Simulator

Started by jokinen, July 05, 2020, 11:04:01 AM

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Anyone playing OP on tabletop simulator? It's a really interesting program that can run any card/board game in multiplayer. A user named Mr. Click has already uploaded card scans for overpower to freely download, though the simulator itself isn't free (currently on sale on Steam).  I never could get OpOnline to work, so this has been refreshing. Have already played a round with a friend.


Do you have a link for the card scans by any chance?

Overpower: Power Balance - New Custom Expansion!


I tried subscribing to it on Steam, but it was not observable to me how to activate it after doing so.  i'd love to see what they had for "non-legacy" cards, but apparently it is not to be unless i get edumacated.