DC Starter Deck

Started by adamsonofwilliam, December 28, 2014, 09:37:16 PM

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I was at one of my local Comic Shops today diving into the back issues (which I haven't done in a long time).  This shop has put all of the back issues in the basement as it's changed from a Comic-based shop to more of a collectibles, shirts and games store.

While I was down there, I took a peek at a shelf of cards behind the counter and low and behold was a sealed DC Booster.  Not a holy grail by any means, but seeing it back there (and rooting around for back issues) transported me back a decade and a half.  I had to have it, so I asked scruffy-looking employee how much it would be.  $5.

It was great to open up the box and see all those crisp, clean cards.  I can't wait to use them.

Heroes in box: Bane, Catwoman, Cyborg, Doomsday


Sweet find! Did you get that email I sent you? Didn't hear back & seen this. Wanted to check.


Had my own cool find in Banff last year.  They had 4 Image starter decks behind the counter at $10 each.  They were nice to add to the collection.
"Wade! into action!"