to shut down by 2017

Started by BasiliskFang, March 15, 2016, 04:27:49 AM

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QuoteIt all started in 1999, when I created a Precedence-centric trading site for the Tomb Raider and Wheel of Time CCGs based on Lars Haugseth's Babylon 5 trading site. In 2000, it started to grow, and at its peak, Mahasamatman's Trading Post grew to over 200 games and close to 10,000 members with over 20,000 trading lists. Since then, however, the CCG market has dried up, and the site is now down to fewer than 20 games and 85 total trading lists. Thus, I have decided to shut down at the end of 2016. I have also stopped selling premium memberships, and have opened up the matching functions to all members.


Ya, for Overpower it's been hard to find traders in the last couple of years, basically everyone is looking for the rarest cards like speedthrough, A-next, DOW, to name a few so getting a trading buddy is probably not going to happen.


Can't we members of this forum set up a trading section? Although I think there sort of is one now that I am typing this. Would be cool if there was a "dead game" trading site.
"Excelsior!" - that one old dude who shows up in all the Marvel movies.


Have you checked out

I successfully completed a couple of trades through there for Overpower stuff (although admittedly it was over a year ago); unfortunately I did have to do most trades overseas, as US players were largely looking just for ultra-rarity pieces. Sadly I sold my entire OP collection along with several other "extinct" card games last year, as I was putting together funding for my first home purchase. Still, I distinctly recall trading for pieces I needed to finish complete sets of OP, Powersurge, Mission Control, and a decent amount of DC and X-Men stuff. I don't recall being able to get Image OP (in the sense no one was trading for it).

Sad to hear about shutting down though, I had an active profile there for the last few years.



"Excelsior!" - that one old dude who shows up in all the Marvel movies.


shit, maybe we can just do a shared google doc?