Understanding Universe Cards

Started by kjswithabeard, December 01, 2014, 08:08:09 PM

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I've just started playing Overpower again and I'm re-learning the rules from when I was a kid. I'm confused about Universe Cards and I want to make sure what I think is correct.

- Universe Cards DO NOT do damage? They just make it easier to land attacks and defend attacks?

- Also, does the power type of a Universe Card need to match the type of Power card you're using it with? Or could you attack with an Energy Power card and use a Fighting Universe Card along with it to increase your attack value (assuming your character could use both cards according to his/her power grid)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

- Kyle

- Kyle


Your questions seem to be about Basic Universe cards. The ones that provide the +1/2/3?

You are correct in that they do not count toward damage or venture total. You would use them to boost a power card (say, a 7 Energy with a +3 from a Basic Universe to make it a 10) to make it harder for your opponent to defend. Likewise, you could also use Basic Universe cards to help you defend (say, a Level 4 Energy with a +2 from a Basic Universe to block a 6).

They types to match in most cases. Energy matches with Energy, Fighting to Fighting.

AO user



- Kyle


Hey KJ, I appreciate the questions about the rules of the game, and we have plenty of people here to always answer any inquiries you may have.

But just one tip from an overpower player. FORGET that basic universe cards exist. They are terrible, and NEVER included in any competitive deck. Only 'Universe: Teamwork' cards are powerful, and are included in basically every deck.

But still, I understand why you wanted to know the rules on how to play them.


I've been slowly realizing that as I've been reading through the posts on this forum. Thanks for the insight!
- Kyle


I had a similar, very sad, realization when I first got back into overpower last year...

BU's might as well be in the trash - except if it's a 6i + 3 professor x - that's worth cash..
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