match the comic character to an unrelated movie or show?

Started by justa, August 26, 2017, 06:00:05 PM

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justa 4 fun, i had a thought that comic characters could be placed in unrelated movies (not actual comic movies).

now, the obvious ones aren't really that much fun or imaginative, such as:
Spiderman - The Web (works for S-man, S-woman, or S-girl), or
Flash - Speed (duh?!?)

to get closer to what i was looking for:
Storm - Blow (The African Queen is too obvious)
Scarlet Spider - The Life Of Riley (The Caine Mutiny doesn't really fit)

but the best ones require a wee bit of thought to see the proper placement, maybe with a little word-play involved:
Batman - Inspector Gadget
Ghost Rider - Blazing Saddles
Superman - The Great Escape (you can figure it out)

if you wanted to include TV shows in the mix, i offer:
Robin - The Wonder Years

even duos are acceptable:
Professor Zoom (Eobard Thawn) & Zoom (hunter Zoloman) - The Fast & The Furious

can anybody else think of some good ones?
