Secondary Effects Question

Started by DiceK, February 17, 2013, 02:42:29 PM

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I understand that in certain cases a special card attack that is avoided like Ultimate Potential still has an effect that takes effect which is that xman's team may not attack for the remainder of the battle.

Is this the same for other similar cards that have second sentence like the Thor 12 and others?


If it doesn't say "If successful", the effect is applied regardless if the attack hits or is defended. The only time it would not apply would be if the attack is negated.


AO user

A possible loop hole or spin arose in a scab game at K2:  ultimate potential was played and NOT negated.  The next turn they played a-next...successfully.  The consensus at the time was: Xman's team may not ATTACK but aspect is played by HOMEBASE, not a teammate so was a legit play.  Would tournament judges go that way? Curiouser and curiouser.


I'd argue the homebase is part of the team.

Invisible Woman's Conceal protects the Homebase's placed cards too.

AO user

So can iceman's or other blow up cards that target a character (IA) work on a placed a-next....since it's on the team (?)


Quote from: AO user on November 08, 2016, 03:13:04 PM
So can iceman's or other blow up cards that target a character (IA) work on a placed a-next....since it's on the team (?)

No - the homebase cannot be targeted.

AO user

But Jack was part of the team.... So do you agree with a-next following an ultimate potential play?

mr brown

To my point on other foram, should all AI target the same by rule. This would open 9 heroes to more playability. Mark more existing cards playable.


Perhaps the confusion is the scope of the discard. When AI cards say target, it only applies to their placed cards. When it says opponent, it applies to any placed cards.

There exists (albeit for Battlesites only) discards that can target locations, which implies they never intended to have AI to target locations.