Super Ninjas

Started by Tussin, December 12, 2013, 11:37:39 PM

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inspired to do another theme... taking the most qualified in the lore of marvel to make the best ninja squad i can. Madripoor has lots of ninjas to flesh out my clan. i have a song to go with this.

Homebase: Marvel Universe ~ Opponent's Team is -1 to Venture Total per Battle. ~

Deadpool             3-7-5-3 (18) ~ May not be Spectrum KO'd with MultiPower Power cards. ~
Daredevil             2-7-4-6 (19)
Nightcrawler        6-7-3-3 (19)
Black Panther      2-7-5-6 (20)

Mission: Shattered Image

Battlesite: Madripoor

Battlesite Specials: 11
Elektra - Infiltration (DB)
Elektra - Reclaim Honor (NX)
The Hand - Ninja (CC)
The Hand - Snakeroot (HN)
Mandarin - Electromagnetic Shield (AD)
Mandarin - Vortex Beam (AR)
Omega Red - Secret Phermones (DP) [OPD]
Omega Red - Drain Lifeforce (AL)
Psylocke - Astral Assault (MP)
Psylocke - Illusion (AG)
Wolverine - Tracking Sense (OB)

Aspect Cards: 1
Any-Homebase - A-Next [OPD]

Specials: 20
Deadpool - Assassin (OPD)
Deadpool - Don't Lose Your Head! (OPD)
Deadpool - High Threshold of Pain (OPD)
Deadpool - Distracting Chatter
Deadpool - Bushwack
Deadpool - Knock 'Em Silly
Deadpool - Knock 'Em Silly
Nightcrawler - Blindside (OPD)
Nightcrawler - Disappearing Act (OPD)
Nightcrawler - Power 'Port (OPD)
Nightcrawler - Vicious Teleport (OPD)
Nightcrawler - Bamf!
Nightcrawler - Tactical Teleport
Daredevil - Blind Man's Bluff (OPD)
Daredevil - Billy Club (OPD)
Daredevil - Alertness
Daredevil - Guardian Devil
Daredevil - Guardian Devil
Daredevil - Blind Justice
Black Panther - Vessel of the Panther God (OPD)

Power cards: 17
Energy: 3 3
Fighting: 7 7 7
Strength: 4 4 5 5
Intellect: 6 6
Multi-Power: 1 1 2 2
Any-Power: 5 6

Teamwork cards: 4
1 * Fighting 6 or more to use, follow-ups in Intellect and Strength
1 * Fighting 7 or more to use, follow-ups in Intellect and Strength
1 * Intellect 6 or more to use, follow-ups in Fighting and Strength
1 * Energy 6 or more to use, follow-ups in Fighting and Strength

Artifact cards: 1
On his turn, Teammate may discard 1 card from top of Draw Pile to Dead Pile to immediately play any card Placed to any Front Line character.

Event cards: 2
* GEN 13 VS. THE REGULATORS... <IM> {U} Gen 13 & The Regulators
No cards with the word "Negate" may be played this battle.
* SPAWN SPIES... <IM> {U} Spawn
No cards with the word "Draw" may be played this battle.

Total cards: 56


daredevil is definately a front line character, black panther or deadpool are better reserve characters..


ya...Heart Shaped Herb and Wakandan Technology are pretty useless cards....+5 hit points to the battle site? why?


Quote from: chuu on December 13, 2013, 11:44:14 AM
ya...Heart Shaped Herb and Wakandan Technology are pretty useless cards....+5 hit points to the battle site? why?
be better throwing in some ally cards


i would also rethink the opd the battle site is using


i like the OPD, makes a kill much more easier and single out an opponent.

i made changes, Daredevil in, Black Panther reserve. the Heart Shaped Herb special would be worth it if i had an 8 Fighting in the deck to make use of it.