... Who Is The Most Improved?

Started by gameplan.exe, May 10, 2011, 01:55:15 AM

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When IQ edition came out, it gave Marvel a unique oportunity to correct some of their... oversights... and fix grids and improve otherwise unjustifiably impotent characters.

With that in mind, I ask this question: Who was the most improved Character from 1st edition to IQ?

This can be strictly regarding their grids, or also regarding the extra Special(s) they received (but not their MN or CL edition additions  :P).

I have a few candidates, but what are your thoughts?
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


Mr. Fantastic seems like the most obvious choice to me. Going from a 6-max with a couple of good specials to an 8 with one solid new special and one guaranteed venture winner, on top of being only 17 points, seems like a winner here.


I'll second Mr. Fantastic.  I'd also add Bishop as one.  His AR is dumb, but his HD special is a very awesome card.  His grid got really improved.  Having a 6 energy means you could now actually put him in an energy deck, making his AY special better.  I know 20 is a bit pricey, but he is on two battlesites.  I'd also like to say that I think Sentinels were really good and they did a good job of not screwing them up in IQ.


Since we're talking Thor a lot lately, I'll cast my vote for him in this thread.

Went to a powerhouse dual suit grid, allowing him to run 4 teamworks. His 7 Energy stat meant his AE special was suddenly more devastating, and they gave him not only one of the most brutal, potentially game winning cards in OverPower (Viking Pyre) but the ability to summon it (or another special) with Gift of the Gods.

He may be 23 points, but I'd say he's worth it.



I've always thought of Thor, too! that's what reminded me that I wanted to post this topic.

Also, for a long time I've considered Magneto the most improved, for sure. He was always a max-8, and cheap, but he also had 1 worthwhile card and had no flexibility in the power pack. Suddenly, he improves to a dual grid and he can actually play other power cards (!), he gets one really good non-OPD special (4m) and one excellent OPD special (11a).

Quicksilver is another that I always considered much, much better in IQ. His grid was also a big improvement. He became a max-7, while retaining his dual grid, but actually got cheaper. And, for his specials, his non-OPD is solid (1f, make add'l(s) w/bonus) and his OPD is also heavy (11s).
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


most of the ff got a boost from iq

reed has been covered.  sue got a great inherant, slightly better stats, and 2 fantastic specials.  torch got a power boost in energy, which was a slight improvement. 

thing on the other hand, got kinda robbed.  he didn't get any worse, but being near the top, he had nowhere to go but down.  only one extra special, and not a very good one at that

spider woman was also boosted a few tiers...did anyone ever use her before iq?


actually, i did use SpiderWoman pre-IQ because she was one of the few who could hit over a 9 (esp in 1st edition). also, i was a big fan of the AV cards (and i still am, i suppose :))
"i was thinking again about the balance/realism issue... and despite the grids, i DO really like this game"
- breadmaster

"Even comics arent' as much fun as OverPower."
- thetrooper27


I also think Venom did very well.  They did take one teamwork away from him, but he only cost one more for his four stat and they gave him 2 very usable specials.

Nate Grey

Gotta agree with Mr. Fantastic being most improved.


I think there's an argument for Professor X getting a huge improvement as well. Gaining a 7i on top of his old stats made him a dual grid, he's only 18 points, and both of his IQ specials are playable (and in the case of his 8m, an auto-include). Still not 1st place ahead of Fantastic IMO, but he's awesome nonetheless.


Professor X definitely got a boost!  Actually, any hero who was previously printed and then wound up as a 7 or 9 intellect seemed to do very well.  Obviously Mr. Fantastic became an all-star, but I don't like to think about it since he is the only hero I don't have from IQ.