hello from NY

Started by Bullio, September 27, 2011, 06:42:05 PM

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Hey folks.  As the title says I'm from NY.  No, not NYC.  Yes, there are other places in NY besides NYC :P.  I've been around since the very beginning in 1995, which would have made me 9 at the time.  I was pretty active in the OP Alliance mailing list from around the release of Onslaught and IQ until sometime between the release of X-Men and the Megapower set.  Did lots of trading online through it and other places including my own site and various trading post websites.  I've always been more into the collecting than the playing, though I've had and still have plenty of fun still playing it with a friend who has also been into it since the beginning.  My first website was an old GeoCities site dedicated to OP and was nothing spectacular, but at the time it was impressive just to have a website.  I grew up and got into other stuff, but every so often I've returned to my collection and had the urge to scour ebay to chip away just a little bit more at the list of stuff I don't have and still want.  My current venture (I'll let you decide whether the pun is intended or not) into the remains of the online OP community brought me to .ca and this forum, including a recent twitter discussion with Jack about homemade Marvels and the really impressive professionally printed set someone here had made.  The excursion before this one resulted in my making a new website that I quickly abandoned and an OP patch for Apprentice, only to find out a couple weeks after I finished it that OPOnline was a thing that exists  >:(.

Anyway, I can't say for certain how active I'll be here (my interest in the game tends to wax and wane instead of remaining constant), but I won't be too much of a stranger.  It's certainly nice to have an active dedicated community up and running for the game that seems to refuse to die.

Would also like to thank those responsible for updating and fixing up OPOnline into what it is right now.  The improvements made since the last version I had (I think 1.5?) have done a lot to make the game more stable, not to mention smaller.



the orange king is from buffalo i think.  he comes up to toronto with his son to play in our tournaments.  if you're ever interested, maybe you can hitch a ride with him

Nate Grey

Hello and welcome to the forums! I remember back then looking at all the Overpower websites people had online. Might have even run across yours.  :)